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Scouting began in 1907 when Robert Baden Powell, Lieutenant General in the Bristish Army, held the first scouting encampment at Brownsea Island. However it was 1970 before the 82nd Bristol Scout Group was founded and met at the Saint Bernadette Catholic Church in Whitchurch, Bristol.


In 1982 the local parishioners arranged the lease of an 8000sq. ft plot of land in Kylross Avenue from the Bristol City Council. In June of that year the foundations to the new Scout Headquarters were laid. With the continued dedication of the parishioners in both raising funds and dedicating time and labour the roof of the 2300sq. ft. headquarters was completed by Febuary 1983.


The Headquarters was finally finished and officially opened on 10th September 1983, and the memorial plaque of this achievement is today still on display in the headquarters large 1250sq.ft main hall.


Since its opening and because of the continued dedication and commitment of Leaders, Parents and Friends over the years the "Scout Hut" remains as a testament to the 1980's pioneers and is maintained purely from locally raised subscriptions and donations.


Thanks to numerous grants from The Big Lottery Fund and continued group fundraising, together with the support of the Board of Trustees, the HQ has seen many renovation projects over the last 10 years.

From new boundary fencing, refurbished toilets and kitchen, new roof and replacement double glazed windows and doors are just a few of the renovation projects successfully completed.

The HQ remains a focal point in the area and is used not only by our ever growing Scout membership, but for private and community use as well.

Why join the 82nd?

New Adventures
New Friends
New Camping experiences
New skills
New Life long memories
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